Though studies are still being done, some tests have revealed that vitamin B6 can work with vitamin B12 once inside your body, to help you to eliminate high levels of homocysteine. 2) It can also help with brain function, helping to maintain normal nerve function so the brain can communicate with the body. “1) It Will Give You More Energy because it has the ability to improve your metabolism and breaks down proteins, thus giving the body more energy. Vegetables that include this vitamin are broccoli, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, corn, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, winter and summer squash, sweet potatoes and many others.Ħ) Vitamin B6 (Pryidoxine) – According to, there are three things that B6 does for the body. Vegetables that include Niacin are Butternut Squash, Corn, Mushrooms, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squash and many others.ĥ) Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – According to “Pantothenic acid is essential for the metabolism of food as well as the formation of hormones and (good) cholesterol.” Fruits that include Vitamin B5 are gooseberries, raspberries, watermelon and many others. Fruits that have Niacin include Boysenberries, Nectarines, Loganberries, peaches and many others. It is also important for the conversion of food to energy.
Fruits include mulberries and grapes.Ĥ)Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- Niacin assists in the functioning of the digestive system, skin, and nerves. They also help the nervous system function properly.” Vegetables that have B2 include Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts, peas, pumpkin, winter squash, sweet potatoes. B complex vitamins are necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. Fruits include Boysenberries, Loganberries, watermelon.ģ)Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)- According to the University of Maryland “All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is “burned” to produce energy. Vegetables that have B1 include Asparagus, Brussel sprouts, butternut squash, corn, peas, sweet potatoes. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. It helps the body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. Fruits include Cantaloupe, Tomatoes and Watermelon- among other fruits.Ģ)Vitamin B1(Thiamine)- is important in the production of energy. The vegetables that have Vitamin A include Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots, Kale, Peas, Pumpkin, Spinach, Summer and Winter Squash and Sweet Potatoes. Vitamin A helps vision and promotes bone growth, tooth development, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. It also stimulates immunity and is needed for formation of some hormones.
But, you can do your own research, like my family and I have done from books, the internet and do not forget to ask your doctor.ġ)Vitamin A- assists in cell reproduction. If you are a person that loves to grow vegetables, and fruits consider adding some of the following vegetables and fruits in your garden to help you stay healthy and get the 12 important vitamins that your body needs to boost your immune system, help prevent diseases and just help you feeling good overall Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C,D,E and K.